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Child and Family Services

All Our Children Child and Family Services support the well-being of multicultural children, youth and their families. Our services are based on strong expertise and professionalism. We support the identity formation of children bearing in mind the cultural background of their families.

We encourage the integration of immigrant families in the Finnish society and promote dialogue between authorities and immigrant communities.

Our current services include a home for multi-cultural and immigrant children and youth, a network of voluntary support persons and supports families for unaccompanied children and youth.

Voluntary Support Persons and Support Families

Our voluntary support persons and support families are targeted for unaccompanied 12-23 year-old youth who could benefit from long-lasting relationships and support in their integration.

Support persons and support families are ordinary, adult volunteers and families with sufficient capacity to meet the needs of an unaccompanied young person.

We recruit, train and offer support to volunteers in the Uusimaa region.

Contact information for  Support Persons and Support Families Project:

Heini Aaltonen
Tel. 044 7211 245