Ole rohkea ja reilu

Ole rohkea ja reilu – Be brave and fair 

All Our Children encourages children and youth to have courage, to be fair and to promote a culture of caring for others. As a part of our advocacy work, we offer to children and youth the Be Brave and Fair workshops. The aim of these workshops is to promote understanding, develop an appreciation for diversity, and to strengthen the skills of caring and intervention.

Be brave and fair! Influence the attitude environment and order a workshop or train as a Be Brave and Fair instructor!

Be Brave and Fair – Dare to Care -Facilitator training

Be Brave and Fair – Dare to Care! Apply into All Our Children’s facilitator training and join us in creating atmosphere of caring and appreciation for diversity!

All Our Children (Yhteiset Lapsemme ry) is a Multicultural Child Protection Organization training volunteers to facilitate the Be Brave and Fair Workshops. The aim of the workshops is to promote understanding, develop an appreciation for diversity, and to strengthen the skills of caring and intervention through art and action based methods and facilitated discussions.

During the two days’ training you will get to know the theory and the different forms of racism, practice the skills of facilitating groups and go through the ready workshop materials of All Our Children. After the training you get to facilitate the Be Brave and Fair Workshops in kindergartens, schools, events and free time groups in pairs with other trained volunteers.

The tools used in of Be Brave and Fair Workshops are art and action based methods, such as creative movement, fine arts, applied theater and drama, and facilitated discussions. No special skills are required from the volunteers – anyone going through the training is able to work as Be Brave and Fair facilitator.

We are looking for volunteers willing to promote appreciation for diversity and take part in the work against racism. The volunteers should be interested in facilitating children’s and/or youth groups. The workshops are facilitated mostly during the daytime. We are hoping to find volunteers from different age groups and backgrounds. The volunteers should be over 16 years old. The training is suitable also for professionals interested in using the workshop methods as part of their own work.

The main language of the training will be Finnish, but we would like to encourage and welcome also participants who’s Finnish is not strong yet, to take part in the training. We aim to produce training material in the languages needed, and some of the discussions can be held also in English.

For more information:
Hanna-Leena Ylönen, Coordinator, hanna-leena.ylonen@yhteisetlapsemme.fi, tel. 044 721 1255